Friday, February 14, 2014

Embryos Have Been Transferred!

Well, we received word that the embryo transfer took place yesterday. We received the report from the embryologist and 4, grade 1 embryos were transferred!! YAY!! We will have the beta on the 24th. We are so excited and optimistic. Please send prayers for a positive. The report stated how many embryos were remaining that were frozen, but I had trouble reading the handwriting. It is either 10 or 12. I have emailed and asked for clarification. Hopefully, it is 12.

The biggest task now is to just keep busy and not think about it too much. Easier said than done! I am praying for our surrogate.

Hope everyone has an awesome Valentine's Day!!


  1. This is so awesome! Stick embies stick!

  2. Thats a excellent report :-)
    Sending lots of sticky babydust your way.

  3. Excellent news!!! I am sure Dr. S. stick some special glue on them :))
    Hoping for great results!!!

  4. We are praying!! I will post the news Monday morning!!
